Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas!

Dear blogosphere and AR-community, since my company spend all its money on a great and splendid Christmas party for all of us, there was unfortunately no money left over to buy a proper Christmas tree for the office. Anyway, it would be a shame to slay down a beautiful tree just for a few days of cosiness during office hours. […]

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AR Holiday Season and true Interaction

Probably we will get some more eCards using AR during the holiday season, showing the cutting edge style of different companies. But, hey! I dig it a lot and love to see more of it to see what the creative agency people accomplish with the limited papervision + flash augmented reality engine. Just today I got a card, leading me […]

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Illuminate your Augmented Reality!

Hey there, just a quick one for the start of the week. Since Rouli already blogged on this one, I might as well now – since I try to avoid bragging on my own work. :-) The company I work for, RTT, is a good friend and partner of Nvidia and at their 2009 GPU Technology Conference my boss Ludwig […]

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First AR Developer’s Camp in December

The first AR Developer’s Camp (AR DevCamp) will be held in California next weekend. The organizing committee for the gathering put up a website under www.ardevcamp.org and I will just quote the bullet points for your convenience: The first Augmented Reality Development Camp (AR DevCamp) will be held in the SF Bay Area December 5, 2009. After nearly 20 years […]

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Mixed Pickles and AR Potpourri

Hey there, seems like after a great AR summer and lots of news in late late summer, yielding and climaxing in the great ISMAR in Florida, we finally hit the summer slump for AR in 2009. Mostly new ads are popping up and some minor issues, but no revolution these days (well, it can’t happen all the time! ;-)). So […]

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junaio online at AppStore

Just a short note. Today, metaio relaunched their website for their mobile social browser called junaio and made the app available in Apple’s AppStore. From metaio’s press release: junaio is a mobile and online platform that lets users create, explore and share information in a completely new way using augmented reality and location-based content. Users can place 3D objects, Twitter […]

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Mobile Augmented Reality at HITLab NZ

Just wanted to point you to another demonstration of mobile augmented reality explained. New Zealand radio station Alpha96.1 did a short feature on the HITLab, who are researching in AR for a long time now. The clip is a short insight for any newbie to AR and they talk about the usage of AR on mobile phones. Due to my […]

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