The AR Meetup in MR

Hi everbody! During times of less real life encounters we want to continue to meet you all and discuss AR topics. For a while now, we have AltspaceVR meetings and now we want to go public with them. This will be a regular meetup just like our real life events. You only have to follow three simple rules when putting on your VR headset:

  1. You have to be able to drink without removing your headset!
  2. You have to be able to drink without removing your headset!
  3. You have to be able to drink without removing your headset!

If you did understand the rules, you are very welcome to join us for the next event. Details will be posted in the Linkedin group and on twitter via @augmentedorg. Please use the handle #ARinMR to mention it and please include @augmentedorg to share the AR love!

Upcoming Events


Please check out my Linkedin group page for upcoming events.


How it started

The Augmented Organization Virtual Meetup on AltspaceVR
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 8:17 PM to 11:17 PM (BST)

Right now we chose AltspaceVR as a platform. Our first public event was well received with ~two dozens of people joining in on the virtual augmented reality fun.