Testing Lightfield AR with Avegant (AWE Part 3)

Testing Lightfield Augmented Reality glasses with Avegant during the Augmented World Expo 2017 in Munich. Will lightfields solve all our problems?
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Testing Lightfield Augmented Reality glasses with Avegant during the Augmented World Expo 2017 in Munich. Will lightfields solve all our problems?
Continue reading »During AWE EU in Munich, Ryan Pamplin was giving a talk on the Meta 2 and spatial computing. I had the chance to schedule a private demo session beforehand and will today share my impressions from the presentation and my live demo. Is the Meta worth waiting? What other glasses might do the trick and what`s next? The On-Stage Demo […]
Continue reading »Hi everybody, back to normal. Back to real reality, leaving two days of fully packed AR at AWE behind. Finally I can take the time to summarize for the ones who missed it, for the ones who want to recap and point out interesting talks and demos. A first dive into the mixed reality realms from the augmented world expo […]
Continue reading »The Augmented World Expo AR Conference is coming home to Europe, to Munich in October 2017. That’s so great! Of course, I’m biased, since I’ve been living and working there for many years, working with lots of companies on AR, including metaio. Munich sure has been and still is a center of AR activities in Europe – and the world! […]
Continue reading »Today, I’m happy to publish my interview I had with Audi. I was interested in learning more about their current AR/VR activities and their plans for the Digility conference next week. Since they have a talk there and organize the before-mentioned hackathon, I wanted to give my readers some insights ahead of time. Find out about their mixed reality plans […]
Continue reading »Apple shows their approach to Augmented Reality in iOS 11 with the new ARKit during WWDC. Stable tracking and nice visual integration included. Let’s take a closer look!
Continue reading »Kicking off into May 2017. Lots to see! Vfx-Conference FMX running in Stuttgart right now, animayo with dedicated parts to Mixed Reality world in Las Palmas, Unity Vision VR/AR Summit just ended a day ago! Neat. Unity team continues to position themselves in the AR/VR space nicely. Facebook Spaces is all done in Unity, native integration of Tango will follow […]
Continue reading »What AR/VR conferences are already scheduled for 2017? Where should I go? Get a first overview today!
Continue reading »Consumer Electronics Show starting tomorrow with first announcements before. The world-wide first Daydream PLUS Tango phone by Asus presented! Check it out and a happy new year!
Continue reading »Recap of the last weeks – who will win the AR race? Will it be Microsoft with their newly extended mixed reality setup including Virtual Reality now? Will it be Meta or Magic Leap? Time to move towards a mixed reality operating system out of flatland.
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