Microsoft presents new services to grow AR

On Sunday, during AWE in Barcelona, Microsoft presented in an one hour show multiple news on their commitment to the mixed reality space. Including demo showcases with partners, Azure cloud services, new software, ah, yeah, … and the HoloLens 2! Time to compare my wishlist from last week with it and to give my virtual two cents on the news. […]

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My MWC Hololens³ Wishlist

I’m sure you are following Alex “father of HoloLens” Kipman on twitter and saw his teaser video of “something to be revealed” next Sunday during Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Well, it could be the teaser for a new terminator movie, brining back mimetic poly-alloy or some freaky colorful alien-styled worm race crawling along ropes to frighten us. But most […]

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Out of office during summer slump… did I miss anything?

Hey all, I’ve been offline and on summer break. So, did I miss anything the last five weeks? Naaa, don’t think so. Or did I? Ooops, Magic Leap released their One! So, did I miss anything? Naaa, or did I? What else is coming up next? Let’s kick off 2018-Q3/Q4 brielfy to see what’s waiting ahead of us! The Magic […]

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Objects in the AR glasses may appear closer than they are

We thought that Magic Leap planned to show their glasses yesterday, this time for real! What we’ve learned during their one hour twitch show, I’d like to comment on today briefly. Measurements distort results Mirrors and glasses distort reality. Magic Leap finally wanted to use its overdue chance to present their Magic Leap One glasses point of view to a […]

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Augmenting your world without Glasses

(C) WikiMedia Commons

Everybody is obsessed with Magic Leap One to ship, Hololens next edition to come, questions like when will we see a Meta without wires and a working hand tracking? In short, we all hope for Sci-Fi-styled slim AR glasses to wear everyday. But, wait a minute. Is the glasses-hype justified? Would people really want to wear glasses if they don’t […]

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