Rugged AR for the Industry

Find out how AR can and will be used in rugged outdoor scenarios. Whast use cases and requirements do they have? Read my talk with RealWear`s CEO Andy Lowery.
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Find out how AR can and will be used in rugged outdoor scenarios. Whast use cases and requirements do they have? Read my talk with RealWear`s CEO Andy Lowery.
Continue reading »Democratic AR content generation was shown by Fyusion last weeks. Read the interview with their CEO on the technology and their future plans for delivering AR successfully to the masses.
Continue reading »Where is the German industry using AR and VR today? What are the use cases and problems? A report from the VDI conference in Munich this week.
Continue reading »Win your free ticket to digility conference in Cologne with! Time to check out more AR and VR!
Continue reading »Microsoft presenting their plans on their mixed reality operating system with a new demo video. Sit, Rover, sit!
Continue reading »I´ve joined the VRODO AR/VR podcast team to report on mixed reality every week (in German). Enjoy!
Continue reading »What conferences on Augmented Reality will be there until the end of 2016? Where should I go? Find the answers today.
Continue reading »Microsoft giving an update to their hololens system: bigger roll-out, new features to use the system savely and productively in your business environment.
Continue reading »Magic Leap talking with Fortune Magazine about their technology, their roadmap and the social impacts the new world of computing could bring.
Continue reading »Pokemon Go is released into the wild and people are rushing out to play Nintendo`s new big step towards a big-scale AR experience.
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