Update: Meet up with AR/VR pros at Digility conference

Hi everbody,

only one week to go until the conference starts! Are you ready yet? I am definitely ready and two more people should get their bags packed right now! Because… we have two winners for the tickets from our augmented.org ticket lottery!

The winners of one ticket each are: Jasmina Stoyanova and Ralf Heindörfer! Congratulations. I hope we can meet at Digility!

For everybody else: it`s time to get your ticket. Small hint: you might want to check out our MeetUp group #ARMUC – there might be some tickets there.

Hi everybody,

augmented.org is official media partner of the digility conference in Cologne. We will be on site during the conference days on September, 22nd and 23rd and report on the event for you. But you also get the chance to meet up live at the conference for free!

Digility Conference

The conference is kicking off first time this year, but already has some high class speakers to show. The panels and talks are all about augmented and virtual reality, baby steps, working industrial scenarios, business models and live demos and workshops. All aspects will get covered and we get insight into the work of different German big players like Audi, Vfx-pros Mackevision (my former employer) or research institutes like Fraunhofer.

Digility states as target groups “DIGILITY is the platform, on which people and companies meet, who work on applications and solutions for the interaction between digital and real world. At the DIGILITY conference hard- and software producers, developers, researchers, investors and users come together, to open up the complete width and depth of this topic. At the DIGILITY exposition, the solutions of today and tomorrow become perceptible.”.

With augmented.org you can win your free ticket to the event!

The regular price is 599 Euros – augmented.org is offering two free tickets to the show for our fans and readers. Just send a mail to win@augmented.fwko.de and answer this simple question: Since when is augmented.org blogging about Augmented Reality?

Allright? Got it? We will draw the winner on Monday, 12th from all correct answers and publish the winners (unless you don´t want that). Well. hope to meet you at the conference. Make sure to check out the schedule and bring enough time!
