Let’s talk business!

ARBCon.eu 2010

Next week Friday there will be the first business conference on Augmented Reality, called ARBCon. It will be held on April, 23rd, in Berlin:

ARBcon.europe – the Augmented Reality Business Conference – is the largest European event focussing on this emerging technology and the implications for business, brands and markets.

Why attend?

The business conference is for OEMs, operators, application and service providers, brands and advertising/marketing agencies interested to learn everything about augmented reality. ARBcon is an opportunity to grasp the meaning, trends and outlooks of AR in a concentrated and enthusiastic context, to meet opinion- leaders firsthand and to come in contact with cutting-edge services and products.!

iPad Killer?

In other news Gene Becker put together a report on the upcoming iSlate device from HP. Since the iPad was such a disappointment (from an AR researcher point of view!), this might be another way for handheld window-to-the-world AR: www.lightninglaboratories.com

Ready to rumble!

T-Immersion did another product for the science fiction and comic loving youngsters and adults. We’ve seen this feature tracking of a magazine cover before, sure. But now we are finally (!) entering a realm, where more issues of a magazine start to interact and collectables really make sense! If your friend has another issue you can combine and experience new action together. Hm, the dark side always seem to win, though. ;) See son and father fight with light and AR:

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