Project Tango Peanut hands-on
First developers receive their Project Tango device from Google. Omar Soubra is one of the first to get one. He now posted his initial experiences covering a lot for a first trial. Unboxed, this is what you get:
There it is already labeled “Project Peanut”, which seems to be the name for the updated developer’s prototype. Omar is pretty impressed directly from the device being “like magic” and draws a funny comparison to start off with:
PEA·NUT / ?p?n?t / Noun
1. A mobile device that will change the world of mobile computer vision forever.
2. Tasty seed of a South American plant.
Seems like he is also a good guy picked by Google to try it out as Omar has worked with lots of 3D LIDAR scanner systems before. He already has a baseline of his completely scanned house and compares it to Project Tango’s Peanut’s results.
In his posted video below you can also see the live depth map how it works out of the box. Still pretty impressive, though Omar also speaks about a few problematic areas in his post. Nevertheless, a great start for a dev kit and we can expect more to come:
Within the GooglePlay stored there seems to be a newly created dedicated Peanut category for device owners. Can’t wait to see more documetation from users (who were lucky) to pop up.
Please visit Omar’s full article on makezine following this link below:
Hands On: Project Tango, Google’s 3D-Scanning Phone for Makers