1st AR regulars’ table in Munich
Hey there all in the AR community!
We are having the first Munich AR regulars’ table (in German “Stammtisch”)! Join us if you are an AR newcomer, pro or just an enthusiast to chat about the technology, exchange ideas, show demos with your laptops or smartphones – or – just to drink a beer and talk about something completely different once in a while for God’s sake. :-)
When? Tuesday, March, 2nd, 2010. 7.30 pm
Where? – a pub called “Wassermann” directly at “Fraunhofer” metro station.
All further information (including map) can be found on the Augmented Reality Stammtisch page. You may also join the xing/facebook/linkedin group to share your thoughts and give us a first idea of how many people will show up.
I’d love to see as many AR enthusiasts there as possible, though space might be limited. Next table will be, depending on interest, every other month or so. I will let you know.
Hope to see you on the other side (in real life)!