Augmented Beach Boys

Hi there,

I’m off to a four week trip and probably won’t be posting during that period. So, a short break for will occur. Nevertheless, a friend will most likely be blogging here on the upcoming ARWORLD conference we mentioned earlier. So, be sure to check back in between. Regular updates will follow again in December!

So, for the time being and the waiting period from now on, you might enjoy different AR news. For example the holiday inspiring video manipulation we’ve been shown by the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft! You can imagine the use of it when AR goggles are widespread and when it works in real-time! Impressive.

On a holiday you will need new sunglasses, so you might want to try them on before with another AR solution.

If you are not on a holiday, you might either want to attend the German conference AR World on November 8th and 9th or if you are US-based (LA) you might want to check out the latest work from T-Immersion. Their conference program for November, 9th, just went online, too.

Another reminder: tonight we will have the Munich Regular Table on AR again!

Hope you all have a great time. See you in December!

– Toby

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