Tickets for the ARWorld in Düsseldorf

ARWorld 2010 Düsseldorf

Hey everyone,

I’m happy to announce, that we can offer our readers reduced price tickets (15% off) for the upcoming ARWorld conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, as we are official Blog partner. You just need to book your ticket to the ARWorld online through us! Just use our code for registering on the ARWorld website. The code is:


The ARWorld is the new-born conference on Augmented Reality for business. Discover business opportunities with AR and mobile AR. The conference itself is not fixed to one industry sector. So there should be something to see for all out there. The keynote will be held by Nick Sohnemann from TrendOne, followed by 15 sessions and expert discussions. The two-day conference will start on November, 8th, 2010 in Hotel Nikko, Düsseldorf.

Unfortunately for some of you, it’s all in German, but we will do our best to cover the conference here as well in English. Buzz words and topics include the popular yet-to-come outernet, contextual targeting and location based services and of course mobile AR in general. There will be talks on social media components, AR games and industry use cases.

I consider the second day being extremely interesting, since it also deals with the topics on the future of AR (e.g. what will we be wearing technology-wise in 2020) and a dedicated session to usability and another to the gap and a possible bridging from VR/3D to AR. As a researcher I’d attend the latter sessions, since I always still see the problem of interaction and output. The mobile approach with a tiny touch screen is an interim solution and hopefully we get some new insights on future ways. But hopefully we get to see cool new Apps that work well today! Can’t wait for it.

For further details just check the web:

Have a great conference!

– Toby

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