inside Augmented Reality
Hey folks,
unfortunately I couldn’t make it last minute to metaio’s conference insideAR. My colleagues were there, had the talk and we also showed a nice demo, so I will collect their feedback and videos to show you asap. [Update] But now metaio’s own conference wrap-up video is available. So, here you go straight away. Hope to see more on their 3D feature tracking (as seen in the car interieur demo combined with markers). A lot more videos are being uploaded this minute, so be sure to check out their channel.
Meanwhile you might enjoy an interview Tish Shute had with metaio’s CEO Thomas Alt. They had a long chat about mobile AR, HMDs and even gaming. Don’t miss it to know more about the future!
… and now it’s time to get ready for ISMAR 2010. The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality will happen in Korea, starting October, 13th. And, … listen up: As part of the coming ISMAR 2010 symposium and the Arts, Media and Humanities Program, the organizers are planning two design contests. It will be an opportunity to start an initiative to create an AR Portal for Arts, Media and Humanities gathering works, art installations, people or companies.
They are calling now for participants on short notice, but if YOU happen to have something up your sleeve, go and submit!
More information about the contests and the initiative are available here:
Check out the program below:
And last but not least I wanted to get back to the topic on guerrilla art, as seen last week with Oliver’s street ad busting. Now you can experience your (possibly own) artwork inside the Museum of Modern Art in New York! Mark Skwarek and Sander Veenhof put together a nice AR experience you can enjoy with your smartphone while wandering around through pieces of art that made it into the physical exhibition. Augment it! You don’t have to take the risk like a Banksy to put up your physical art as well, just do it virtual. :-)